This photo is also posted at the request of my mom who is a loyal and daily reader of this blog. She is a fan of our Sunsphere and is proud to see it grace our Knoxville skyline. Our family has some wonderful memories of visiting the World's Fair many times during 1982. I was young then (only 19) and thought it was so cool that Knoxville was host to the world for just a while.
I remember being able to eat in a restaurant located inside the Sunsphere in 1982 . . . and the thrill of being able to view Knoxville from such a high perch while eating such a delicious meal. Such a wonderful experience . . . one that I will never forget!
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Perfect for Theme Day!
My parents went to that fair.
magnifique, surtout avec cette fontaine. On dirait une grande boule qui se trouve dans les boites de nuit disco. De nuit cela doit ĂȘtre superbe.
magnificent, especially with this fountain. Looks like a great ball that is in the nightclubs disco. At night it must be superb.
Of course the Sunsphere would/could be the only sphere you could post. A logical choice.
The Sunsphere is so beautiful and so is your photo. Well done!
This is such a wonderful photo for theme day! Love the mix of the sphere and the waters..
Thanks for visiting my site :-) Happy theme day!
Very nice. Beautiful color and light in your photo. And wonderful memories.
Hope, what a wonderful choice! Your photos of objects are imbued with the same life-affirming, happy quality as your photos of children. I don't know how you do it but you've got the gift!
Happy Theme Day!
love the sunsphere.
the photo is so busy and a great addition to the theme day!
Fantastic choice and such a nice photograph with the fountain too.
I like the fountain also.
Nice choice for theme day!
An excellent choice of this sunsphere for December's themeday!
A great shot, Jill!!
An excellent choice of this sunsphere for December's themeday!
A great shot, Hope!!
Nice golden sphere! What is it used for these days?
You captured it so well. It does hold memories for us all. Took my then 2 yr old daughter on opening day. We had season passes and went often. Several years later I ate up in the Sunsphere. Know of somebody that married up there this past spring. I hope it is always there.
My daughter thinks it's a disco ball..she doesn't know about the fair history. It gets kudos both ways.
I love the fountains - not sure about the sphere though.
hooray for the sunsphere! you framed it very nicely with the fountain
Wow, that's such a wild sphere! I really like how you've not centred it but included the fountain - it's a really great shot!
Very nice Hope! Looks like alot to do there!
Beautifully composed photo.
Circles and spheres on steroids! Beautiful and well done!
I love your sunsphere, and this photo which includes the park is gorgeous!
I'm a little late, but happy theme day!
Yup! that's a perfect theme day post with a Knoxville landmark to boot. I love your crisp city scapes & this one is just so well composed.
I like this photo! Great chioce for theme day.
Saretta....There are several levels of floorspace within the sunsphere. There is an observation floor which gives a wonderful view of Knoxville. There is a cafe with sandwich and drinks service. There is a level with open space for functions. Some of the levels house office spaces.
It is great when a local icon matches the theme. Also, I like your composition with the Sunsphere offset to the left.
Belated greetings, from Nelson. Thanks for visit and comment!
It's like a giant mirror ball.
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