I want to say I admire those of you who post daily to a blog and have done so for months and even years on end without missing a day. I truly admire you for the time and effort put into such an endeavor.
I've not been carrying my camera with me for the past few weeks. I just haven't had the desire to have my camera with me. Ugh. What's wrong with me?
Sorry for the absence.....I will try to do better.
This photo was taken on a recent drive to work....slowing down for a traffic light....so hopefully not too dangerous!
Welcome back! What a beautiful sunrise!
Wow, thanks Lois! That was a quick comment....I just posted my photo!
Great to see you back heading into the glorious setting sun. Trust the break has done you good.
Welcome back. What a nice sunrise to see each morning. Looking at the picture makes me want to put my sunglasses on.
Beautiful shot! Glad to see you are back, if even for a little while. :)
Love the intersecting lines
It's lovely, Hope. This blogging stuff does seem to take a whole lot of time - cuz after posting, it's fun to go visit, & visit,...and then it's already - what 11:27 pm!!??? I gotta get to sleep. :) Have fun & we'll enjoy what you show for sure.
Welcome back Hopie! Love that bright orange ball!
Alot of times I don't have the time either to post a pic and so that's why I love the scheduling posts thing. I use it all the time, but I do get to feeling bad that I can't visit as much as I like or sometime just can't think of anything to post and feel like the most boring person in blogland,lol.
Absolutely stunning. well done for catching the light so well without getting glare on the lens.
Welcome back. I think we all get to feel like taking pictures is a chore from time to time. There are some that only post Monday-Friday, you could try that.
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