Knoxville, Tennessee as seen through Hope's eyes and her Nikon Coolpix (& iPhone) snapshots
Knoxville Daily Photo will post one photo per day taken from the Knoxville/Knox County, Tennessee area. Knoxville is the city of my birth, the place where I work, and the largest city near our hometown. It's a wonderful community in which to raise our family. It's really a beautiful place . . . . at least I think so.
I am not a professional photographer; I call myself a point & shoot photographer. I have had a genuine love for and interest in photography since childhood. My camera is a Nikon Coolpix S600 ~ which I love for many reasons that I won't list here. Sometimes I use my old camera which is a Nikon Coolpix 5900.
Photography is something that I enjoy immensely. My photographs & albums are treasured above all other material things I own. The memories that are captured and preserved through my camera are so precious.
I am glad that I have discovered City Daily Photo and started a photo blog. It's an honor to share my little corner of the world with those who find themselves here. Enjoy looking around my blog, and welcome to all who visit.
I am not a professional photographer; I call myself a point & shoot photographer. I have had a genuine love for and interest in photography since childhood. My camera is a Nikon Coolpix S600 ~ which I love for many reasons that I won't list here. Sometimes I use my old camera which is a Nikon Coolpix 5900.
Photography is something that I enjoy immensely. My photographs & albums are treasured above all other material things I own. The memories that are captured and preserved through my camera are so precious.
I am glad that I have discovered City Daily Photo and started a photo blog. It's an honor to share my little corner of the world with those who find themselves here. Enjoy looking around my blog, and welcome to all who visit.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Swimming Lessons at the YMCA
This is the downtown Knoxville branch of the Y.M.C.A. My brother and I took swimming lessons here in the late 1960's. I still remember the fear I had of the deep-end of the pool and how I flat-out refused to dive into the pool. I remember the parents weren't allowed into the pool area and had to release their little ones into the hands of the swimming instructors. I was thrilled at the end of the lessons to receive my swimming certificate which announced I had reached "pollywog" status.
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10/23/08 ~ Thanks so much to Tanya from Around Roanoke Daily Photo Blog
10/23/08 ~ Thanks also to Laurie from Glimpses of South Pasadena and your very kind words (to follow) . . .
"With gratitude and great pleasure I would like to pass the award to these photography bloggers:
Hope of Knoxville Daily Photo. Hope can squeeze images out of her Nikon Coolpix that will astonish you. The photographs of her kids capture the essence of childhood and a mother's love with the same poignancy and joy of the paintings of Mary Cassatt..."
Tanya and Laurie . . . . I am truly honored and flattered that you have chosen me to receive this award. Sincere thanks to both of you for this award and your nice comments!

10/28/08 ~ Sincere thanks to JM of Oeiras and Environs Daily Photo who has given this award to me. I am truly honored and will enjoy passing this award on to others.
11/4/08 ~ Thanks so much to Sean Claes of Kyle, Texas Daily Photo for giving this award to me, also. It's a great honor and I appreciate it so much!
pollywog ain't bad and is far better than sinker. It looks like an old building that were built all over the country and home of both YMCA and YWCA. Only recently up here where I live has the "Y" resorted to new and modern construction. So have the fees to join gone up. The cheapest membership at the new Y near where we live is $500.00 a year.
Lovely older building. Selma's old "Y" still stands downtown but is in need of much repair. Now, we have a new "Y" on the edge of town.
Interesting building, love the small balcony on top.
good shot - aw, you know how much I like architecture!
What do you think of the condos (not part of the Y) on the top floors? I have mixed feelings - good to use the space, but not so good that they're so expensive that few can afford them.
Knoxville Girl...I didn't know about the condos on the top floor. I wouldn't be able to afford to live there...but I'm not so sure I'd want to anyway. Interesting.
Hi Hope! Thank you for your note. All is well on my end--I got really busy at work and had to focus of my priorities for a little while. Normally I shoot photos during the day that seem to "pop" but lately I haven't taken as many and those I have shot I haven't considered blog-worthy. Once I get past this busy period I'll start posting regularly again.
Thanks again for looking out for me. :)
JT...I took a 2-week break just recently. I really needed it. Not because of work demands, but because I just didn't feel like blogging for some reason. I'm still struggling with feelings of disinterest in photography or carrying my camera with me at all times. Which is almost unheard of. I'm not sure if it's just the winter blues or something else. I have so much to be thankful for and so many maybe just the need for warm weather and sunshine. :) I did carry my camera when I went out today...but took 0 photos. Anyway, I have missed your blog and wonderful photos and will look forward to your return. Besh wishes sent your way.
Hope in Knoxville
This is a beautiful old building. A new branch of the YMCA just opened right around the corner from me and I took a tour the other day. Still trying to decide whether to join or not!
I took my children to UT (non credit classes) for their swimming lessons. They were so little we were required to be in the pool with them. I then took swim lessons for the first time myself.
A little late in life, but I am so happy I did.
Leedra’s Photos For Fun
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Photography By Leedra
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