Our kids have been exposed to cameras from their very first moments after birth until now and are very willing to pose for us!
One day this may change. I hope not.
The day they roll their eyes at me and say, "Oh, Mom, do you have to take a picture?" ....that day will break my heart.
Hopefully, I'll have no worries as far as that's concerned! :)
nice one .,.. visit mine ... u will like it ...
She's perfect. I think she will grow up too break many hearts.
That is so darling. She was, is and will always be a cutie.
It won't be long, and she'll be the one behind the camera taking pictures.
I have niece and nephews that do that, and hide from getting their photos taken. I tell them when they are grown they will wonder why there are no photos of them.
Leedra’s Photos For Fun
Leedra’s Greeting Cards
Photography By Leedra
What a great helper. I agree with Rambling Round. I've molded my three into mini shutterbugs too.
She will probably be saying that as soon has she hits teenager.
Nice camera.
You and your husband have such beautiful children, Hope. She looks like a great assistant.
How nice that you found your way to my blog for the link to Wear Purple Day. Best wishes to your husband and all of you.
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