Quoted from the CityofKnoxville.org website:
"Alex Haley Square is a part of Morningside Park in east Knoxville. The park is renown across the United States for having the only 12 foot high bronze statue of author and Pulitzer prize winner Alex Haley. Haley is best known for his book "Roots," in which he traced his origins back to Africa. His book was made into an acclaimed television mini-series.
The statue is the focal point of the park. It was designed by sculptress Tina Allen and cast in bronze in New York City. The statue weighs 4,200 pounds and was dedicated in February 1998 during Black History Month."
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I really like Alex. I like the idea of using him for theme day too.
I forgot about theme day today so I just found some of the books I wrote and took a photo and published that. Too late to be included in the group but it worked for me. LOL
I think it's perfect for theme day Hope. I loved Roots. Your daughter looks so teeny next to the huge statue!
Great choice for theme day. Your little girl seems surprised with the size of the reader :-)
This is perfect for theme day, its good to see a different take on the theme. I like your daughter in the photo, gives a real sense of the statues size.
Greetings from Juneau (Alaska) Daily Photo!
This statue is simply amazing. You picked a magnificent subject to photograph for theme day. Haley's "Roots" is one of my favorites.
Have a great Saturday!
That's a great picture for theme day. I'm glad you included your little girl in the picture, so we can see just how enormous the statue is!
I think your post choice was a good one and I also think the contrast of your cute daughter standing next to the statue is superb.
A perfect choice for today. Love your photograph and Roots was and is such an important book. Well done. So perfect with the little girl in the photograph too.
This is a wonderful statue and I'm very pleased you decided to choose it. The little girl provides a wonderful sense of scale. Haley is truly a giant in both our historical and literary world. Bravo!
There is a somewhat similar statue of Haley in Annapolis, MD but with some bronze children at his feet.
This is perfect, HOpe. I love your sweet little munchkin princess looking up at the sculpture. I LOVE this shot.
You were right to post. Who could ever forget Roots. I didnt read the book, but saw the miniseries. I like the statue and would have never knew about it.
This is a great interpretation for theme day Hope. Roots is an important book and the tribute to Mr. Haley is most appropriate.
Oh...this is great...the small and the large! Fabulous!
Love the statue - especially his glasses.
I think you made a great decision featuring Alex Haley's statue, Hope! He's a writer — no books without them right? And not just any ol' writer too!
Your daughter sure looks awe-struck by the size of the statue! Adorable!
The girl just asked him something, he stopped reading and he's thinking and he's about to answer..... great shot!
What a wonderful way to represent this month's theme. Alex Haley is one of the great literary heroes of the 20th century.
Happy Theme Day!
Thanks for sharing this image. Firstly, because it is a great picture. Secondly, because it is a perfect depiction of the day's theme. Haley and his writings are so influential to our generation's tolerence and growth.
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