Knoxville, Tennessee as seen through Hope's eyes and her Nikon Coolpix (& iPhone) snapshots
Knoxville Daily Photo will post one photo per day taken from the Knoxville/Knox County, Tennessee area. Knoxville is the city of my birth, the place where I work, and the largest city near our hometown. It's a wonderful community in which to raise our family. It's really a beautiful place . . . . at least I think so.
I am not a professional photographer; I call myself a point & shoot photographer. I have had a genuine love for and interest in photography since childhood. My camera is a Nikon Coolpix S600 ~ which I love for many reasons that I won't list here. Sometimes I use my old camera which is a Nikon Coolpix 5900.
Photography is something that I enjoy immensely. My photographs & albums are treasured above all other material things I own. The memories that are captured and preserved through my camera are so precious.
I am glad that I have discovered City Daily Photo and started a photo blog. It's an honor to share my little corner of the world with those who find themselves here. Enjoy looking around my blog, and welcome to all who visit.
I am not a professional photographer; I call myself a point & shoot photographer. I have had a genuine love for and interest in photography since childhood. My camera is a Nikon Coolpix S600 ~ which I love for many reasons that I won't list here. Sometimes I use my old camera which is a Nikon Coolpix 5900.
Photography is something that I enjoy immensely. My photographs & albums are treasured above all other material things I own. The memories that are captured and preserved through my camera are so precious.
I am glad that I have discovered City Daily Photo and started a photo blog. It's an honor to share my little corner of the world with those who find themselves here. Enjoy looking around my blog, and welcome to all who visit.
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10/23/08 ~ Thanks so much to Tanya from Around Roanoke Daily Photo Blog
10/23/08 ~ Thanks also to Laurie from Glimpses of South Pasadena and your very kind words (to follow) . . .
"With gratitude and great pleasure I would like to pass the award to these photography bloggers:
Hope of Knoxville Daily Photo. Hope can squeeze images out of her Nikon Coolpix that will astonish you. The photographs of her kids capture the essence of childhood and a mother's love with the same poignancy and joy of the paintings of Mary Cassatt..."
Tanya and Laurie . . . . I am truly honored and flattered that you have chosen me to receive this award. Sincere thanks to both of you for this award and your nice comments!

10/28/08 ~ Sincere thanks to JM of Oeiras and Environs Daily Photo who has given this award to me. I am truly honored and will enjoy passing this award on to others.
11/4/08 ~ Thanks so much to Sean Claes of Kyle, Texas Daily Photo for giving this award to me, also. It's a great honor and I appreciate it so much!
and he looks quite pleased with himself! My boys always give me near heart failure on these things,lol.
Such an adorable picture!
I have built several treehouses over the years and it is always fun not only to build but to watch the kids too.
I love this black and white image of your son. And don't boys love to climb? He has a very sweet smile on his face.
What a great photo in b&w! Love his smile!!
OH, look at that sweet, proud face! Your son has such a wise expression even when he is laughing. I'll bet he's a real deep thinker, that one...
HOpe, as always I just want to gush about your photography. You have such a gift, girl.
Laurie...You have described my son perfectly...and have seen his true personality through this photograph. My son is just as you describe ...very concerned about others and has an awareness that sometimes shocks me. Shocks me because, I admit, I do shelter my children from those things that we adults worry about. It is my belief that children should be children for as long as they can be (if it is at all possible for me to provide this upbringing for them) ....adulthood, responsibility, and worries of the world will come soon enough.
Thank you Laurie for your very kind words. Honestly, though, I am only pushing a button on a point & shoot. In my mind I have an idea....I try to recreate that idea within the viewing screen and I click.
The results make me happy...and I am glad to share my images on my Knoxville blog. Thanks, once again, for the nice comments!
It all starts innocently enough on ladders and before you know it, he will be climbing mountains! =)
Love your family photos. Thanks for visiting me at Sydney Daily Photo while I was away. I’m back from Queensland now and transmission should resume as normal.
This is another one of those prize winning photographs. I hope you know you are good at this.
I got the strangest message coming here and had to delete some of the stuff in the URL to get here after reading this:
Page not found
Sorry, the page you were looking for in the blog Knoxville Daily Photo does not exist.
I guess there is something in the URL address that Blogger doesn't like.
Well, Blogger is famous for screw-ups. They locked down my Abe's Blog thinking it was a spam blog. LOL
Very nice black & white! Did your cute boy reach the top? :-)
Hi Kala...I've seen the mountains you've climbed on your blog! Yikes! LOL!
Hi Abraham...
Sorry you had trouble reaching my page. I myself have received that very same message in trying to open my own blog. Very frustrating for certain. I think all is well with the page today! I'm also sorry to hear you've had trouble with your blog. All seems OK with our blogs now though!
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