I may not be sure about the antique seating, but I am sure about the kids' happiness when they were given these balloons as we left the restaurant! Such a simple gesture gave them such genuine happiness.
I have been given the Kreativ Blogger Award by JM of Oeiras and Environs Daily Photo.
Sincere thanks to JM for passing this award on to me....I am truly honored.

In receiving this award I must now list 6 things that make me happy. So many things bring happiness to my life . . . but I will list 6 things here that make me especially happy.
1) My son, daughter, and husband.
2) A good peaceful night's sleep with lots of warm blankets.
3) Chocolate of any kind or form.
4) Exploring and hiking within the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
5) Looking through old family albums and recalling precious memories of years past.
6) A family vacation to the Walt Disney World Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Florida.
It's also my turn to pass this Kreativ Blogger Award on to 6 other bloggers . . . I have chosen 6 blogs that I enjoy visiting on a daily basis. Enjoy this award and have fun passing it on to others!
1) Denise at An English Girl Rambles
2) Gerald at Hyde Daily Photo
3) Felicia & Alexandra at San Diego Daily Photo
4) JT at Daily Photo L.A.
5) Julia at Kitakami Photoblog
6) Abraham Lincoln at Brookville ~ Ohio Daily Photo
Thanks for thinking of me and my blog with the award. I think the idea of an award is great, but I would not be able to choose who to pass it along to as there are way too many who deserve the award more than I do. So I accept the thought but will pass up the physical award.
I like your photo today too.
Did they let the balloons go and watch how high it could get?
I like this photo and I love that long seat!
Maybe it's just me but when restaurants hand out balloons, it makes for a pita of a ride home!
Haha, our 6 things we like are kinda similar in ways :)
Most of the times a simple gesture says it all.
Wonderful pic!
My daughter's favorite restaurant is also the one that gives free balloons when you leave.
Balloons = happiness for my kids too. That is until they pop or they wake up to them deflated. Then it's a room full of frown-y faces.
Dear Hope, thank you very much for thinking of our Daily Photo blog in San Diego and also for your comments there. We are just trying to keep up on a daily basis and are sorry we aren't able to visit you and many other blogs much! Your photo really shows the joy of childhood - aren't balloons incredible?!
Just adorable!
nice symmetry with the bench at one angle offset by the rising balloons and your kid's upward gaze...
Wow! Thank you for the award. I appreciate that!!
Another great shot! I love everything about this photo.
Thank you so much for the award. I really do appreciate it, but I do have an ambivalent attitude towards these things - see http://ackworthborn.blogspot.com/2008/02/couple-of-awards.html so I won't be displaying it nor passing it on.
I really do appreciate you thinking of me though.
It's OK about the award...I sent it with sincerity...but I do understand. I clicked on your link and read about your feelings on this subject.
I am new to photo blogging and my other family blog is almost 1 year old. I had never received or passed on an award until just about a week ago....then all of a sudden I've received 3 separate awards!
I wasn't quite sure about it all at first...but did think it might be fun to participate in.
Blogging has certainly opened up an entirely new world to me....and for the most part it's great fun!
I do truly enjoy your blog...and I do understand about the award. No worries!
~Hope in Knoxville
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